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Berea College Child Development Lab

The Berea College Child Development Lab

The Berea College Child Development Lab (CDL) is administratively located within the Child and Family Studies (CFS) Program. It commits itself to upholding the Great Commitments of the College in each facet of its mission. For more information on the Child and Family Studies Program please visit the program website. The CDL is located at the west end of the Berea College Ecovillage. The CDL (along with the rest of the Ecovillage complex) works hard to serve Berea College students. It also aims to teach sustainable practices. The environmental choices we make today impact the world and the future generations. Together, we work towards the goal of a more sustainable tomorrow. For more information on the Ecovillage, please reference this online brochure (PDF).

Please call 859-985-3620 for hours of operation.
Childcare and Preschool Services